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《Agent Orange》
Philip Jones Griffiths
VIETNAM. Le Thi Dat, thirteen, suffers from
spina bifida and mental retardation. She is inseparable from her doll.
She was born in neary Quang Tri Hospital, "very weak". Her mother, Le
Thi Thuyen, 49, carries her outside most sunny days while she hoes her
garden nearby. Her father was a soldier in the Saigon army during the
war, stationed near Cam Nghia. 1998.
Philip Jones Griffiths(1936-2008) 威尔士摄影记者,Magnum成员。于1966年前往越南拍摄了大量有关越战的照片,1980年开始担任了五年的Magnum总裁。他所拍摄越战的照片引发了西方对美国发动越南战争更为广泛的质疑与反思,加深了反战情绪。