摄影大师印象(七) —— Philip Jones Griffiths
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《Agent Orange》
Philip Jones Griffiths
VIETNAM. Le Thi Dat, thirteen, suffers from
spina bifida and mental retardation. She is inseparable from her doll.
She was born in neary Quang Tri Hospital, "very weak". Her mother, Le
Thi Thuyen, 49, carries her outside most sunny days while she hoes her
garden nearby. Her father was a soldier in the Saigon army during the
war, stationed near Cam Nghia. 1998.
Philip Jones Griffiths(1936-2008) 威尔士摄影记者,Magnum成员。于1966年前往越南拍摄了大量有关越战的照片,1980年开始担任了五年的Magnum总裁。他所拍摄越战的照片引发了西方对美国发动越南战争更为广泛的质疑与反思,加深了反战情绪。
VIETNAM. Called a "little tiger" for killing
two "Vietcong women cadre" - his mother and teacher, it was rumored.
《Agent Orange》背景简介
该摄影项目中文译为《橙剂》,这个摄影项目从我现有的图片信息显示,拍摄时间从1980至2004年,跨越24年。该项目的Magnum官网版本中有249张照片(其中有几张照片重复),而在Philip Jones Griffiths个人官网版本中只有107张照片。橙剂是美国军方在1961年至1971年越南战争期间所使用的一种高效除草落叶剂,含有毒气体二恶英,因其容器标有橙色条纹而得名。在越南战争期间,美军为打击隐蔽在丛林种的越共游击队,喷洒了7570万升左右的落叶剂,其中大部分为橙剂。该行动摧毁了数百万英亩的森林与农田,导致了数十万人的饥荒。越南政府确信有超过400万的越南民众为橙剂受害者,其中300多万因此患病,多达100万人因此患有残疾与严重健康问题。直至今日,依然有数量巨大的越南民众与美军越战士兵正在遭受橙剂所引发的癌症、白血病、基因变异、后代畸形、精神残疾等等折磨。越南从殖民时代一直到上世纪八十年代初几乎一直处于战乱之中。Philip Jones Griffiths从1966年至1971年都在越南进行他的拍摄任务,1973年至1975年在柬埔寨工作。1980年又重返越南拍摄《Agent Orange》的项目。其中拍摄内容包括因战争致残的人们、受橙剂污染而畸形的儿童、战争博物馆、留守的孤儿、手工业者、集体劳动、戒毒所、妓女劳教所、政治活动、宗教活动等等随着时间的推移,越南逐步迈向新的时代,开始有了私人咖啡厅,轻工制造业开始发展,西方商品大量出现在越南的街头巷尾,越南民众的生活水平随着和平与时代进步开始替身。但战争带来的伤害并没有因为时间而迅速抚平,因橙剂所带畸形儿童依然新的时代出生,街头巷尾依稀可见那些被战争所伤害的民众。
VIETNAM. This woman's husband had been a truck
driver on the Ho Chi Minh trail, who had been sprayed often with Agent
Orange. Americans practiced ecocide on the land by spraying millions of
acres with this defoliant, containing dioxin, which damages human genes
thus causing grotesque birth defects for future generations. Both
daughters were born blind. 1980
VIETNAM. Ho Chi Minh City. Three siblings
exhibiting classic teratogenic symptoms, double elbows and knees on each
limb, at Orphanage No. 6. They had been abandoned by their mother in the
nearby Tu Duc Forest. 1980
VIETNAM. The children of some of the survivors
in 1980 standing on the path where many of their relatives were
murdered. When this picture was published a reader fell in love with one
of the girls, went to My Lai and eventually married her. They now live
in Canada.
VIETNAM. Ho Chi Minh City. Children at
Orphanage No. 6. 孤儿院内的孤儿群像。
VIETNAM. Cam Nghia. Le Thi Dat, thirteen,
suffers from spina bifida and mental retardation. She is inseparable
from her doll. She was born in neary Quang Tri Hospital, "very weak".
Her mother, Le Thi Thuyen, 49, carries her outside most sunny days while
she hoes her garden nearby. Her father was a soldier in the Saigon army
during the war, stationed near Cam Nghia. 1998
Cam Nghia, VIETNAM. 1998. 9 month old baby
Hoang Huu Cuug, held by his mother Le Thi Ninh. His 2 older siblings
were born normal. His parents spent the war in Cam Lo district.
VIETNAM. Ho Chi Minh City. Reform school for
prostitutes. From 1975 to 1990 the problem was seen as one that could be
handled. Later, as the market economy developed, prostitution exploded.
Today the authorities in Ha Noi admit to 40,000 women involved but the
real number may be many times higher.
VIETNAM. Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam at Peace.
This girl lives with her family on their boat moored on the Saigon River
in Ho Chi Minh City. To get to school, she punts herself to the bank
standing on a piece of Styrofoam packing material. 2002.
What experience and history teach is this — that nations and governments have never learned anything from history, or acted upon any lessons they might have drawn from it. 经验和历史告诉我们,国家和政府从来没有从历史中学到任何东西,也没有从他们本可以吸取的教训中吸取任何教训。
不止越南,包括所有国家,我们又何尝从历史中真正的借鉴到什么,即使是几十年内的历史?若干年后,世界仍会继续发生战争,继续肆无忌惮的去破坏美好的、具有价值的东西。 Philip Jones Griffiths好像当过马格南主席,在马丁帕尔竞选主席的那一届带头坚决反对Martin Parr。我觉得可以当做纪实摄影的一个断代,从此后摄影真正走向了后现代时期,开始注重微观、主观、日常、心理,远离了新闻、苦难。即使拍出如此苦难的照片,仍无法避免今后的战争,化学武器永不消亡。苦难摄影逐渐真正的式微,且被怀疑是否具有真正的作用。我认为有的,或者说不管怎样的时代,不管苦难的定义如何,总会有一些人愿意去相信反映、控诉苦难的”作用“,”意义“……